How many years do we need? Another 50..or is it 100? 60 have already passed in ignorance.Should we wait for another 50? Do we really have the patience? No, I don't.
One look at the roads,the pollution and the annoys me to the core.And the feeling sinks in..a feeling of disgust and disappointment.A country of 110 crore+ people carrying on with their own lives and not giving a shi* about anything!! Incredible!! You could ask Why blame the people,what are the politicians doing..but before pointing a finger at them, what about us..what are we doing?
We hear all the hoopla about plastic pollution and how they clog the drains, are non-biodegradable n so on, but does it bother us? As long as it doesn't affect us directly in anyway why even think about it..huh.
The roads..Well, after all it's the responsibility of the mayor and the municipality to keep them in good shape.Nevertheless, did we ever stop spitting on the roads or stop throwing that empty coke-can or that crumpled-bill-from-the-supermarket out of the car window at the signal? To top it all, there are still people urinating in the open,still worse, right next to the public toilet!! I wouldn't blame the public here (just here).The toilets are in such bad shape that you needn't step into them to get an idea of the stink.All you need to do is walk past them.
And population..this is something to be proud of coz we are The largest democracy in the world! Well ,we won't have any competition here 'cause China, the only country with a population larger than us is already on its way to controlling its population.So we' ll be the rulers here pretty soon.Our ancestors are really appreciable.They were the kingpins when it comes to setting trends for having close to 5-10 siblings.Kudos to them! ..But are we any better? Even now people have more than three kids..what with everything being said and done about population control.
I can go on and on 'cause I am highly frustrated at the plight of our country but People, no one's asking us to go out there, join politics, turn it all upside down and make India like Americaa..All we are required to do is think and act.Starting with simple things..take a few plastic covers from home when you head to the supermarket next time.You could really help by saving on those plastic covers.It does make a huge difference.Stop spitting on the roads and throwing trash on the street.Throw trash only inside the big Onyx boxes(yeah i know it's no longer Onyx)on the road.Now com'on lets give the govt some credit.They after all had those huge bins imported from Singapore and placed them on every street for us.But what they probably forgot was that we Indians like to throw garbage only next to the bins and not inside sensible !
Controlling our population is not something easy but we sure can, with the one-child-per-family idea and also probably give a few incentives to families who follow this, like free education for the child till primary school and so on.
I know all this is gonna take a shi* load of time but anything and everything is possible.My dream or rather every Indian's dream out there, is to see cleaner roads, breathe cleaner air and be part of a population that's well-controlled.I hope two generations down the line, this dream turns a reality.Now don't give that doubtful expression..we definitely aren't asking for too much!
Like a good friend of mine says "America wants change.What India needs is not change.......but a complete Overhaul!"
I second that.
great job ran!! Keep writing.. loved your was an awakening for every true Indian!
Its a well-written & well-thought, thought provoking article. It highlights the bleeding high priority issues and rightly brings out the feelings of every Indian. Keep writing frequently. This is bringing change by writing and spreading awareness. :p
Keep up the good work!!!
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