Sunday, March 20, 2011

Writing beckons..

He climbs up a tree, takes a sneak peak around looking out for intruders, the nut tightly held between the teeth, settles down on a branch the strongest he deems, and cracks open that nut he treasures and devours it. Peace.

That is the kinda feast that's laid in front of me now and oh, I realise, It's spring! The trees are brimming with flowers, the sun is shining warmly across the blue sky, the air however stubborn to welcome the summer, still continues to being what it was-chilly.Beauty fades with time is a fact that has been documented by our ancestors.The young and beautiful never realise every single day greets them with a "hi there! You are a day older today,congratulations!" Tiny, do we realise that something out there still denies this fact, and stays put - Nature.

The green grass dancing to the breeze, the tall trees decorated with flowers swaying their huge hand-like branches,the mighty ocean rolling upto the shore and returning gracefully, the humming of the bee, the pretty butterfly fluttering her colorful wings, the majestic mountains leaning all the way down to take a look at the ground where they stand,the clouds parting with a smile to let the sun shine between them, the refreshing shower from the skies cooling down the scorched up ground,the sweet enchanting smell of wet soil..ah..

Love nature and the creation.Makes me wonder if the whole world was one big painting that someone drew and gave it life- a painting, that can never be reproduced.

I stare into the vastness of the sky, my glance caught between the clouds moving one after another swiftly, as if hurrying to one big shower party elsewhere. Blankness.
Oh and here I realise I am sitting in my patio, doing what I think I do best, writing:) Welcome back Ranjani, seems to say, the glorious setting sun..

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